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  Name : Trish D'Monte
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Recommended
Comments : Hello Kay. We adopted Stanley (renamed Ted) late September 2023 and what a delight he is. He is curious, cheeky (sock thief extraordinaire), gentle with all humans - big and small and has enriched our lives greatly. It is clear he has been raised in a loving, safe environment where his personality has been allowed to shine. Thank you Kay for bringing Ted into our lives.
Date : 22-Feb-24

  Name : Chris Kmon
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Checked local location
Comments : Limbunya Shetland sheepdog breeders you dogs are so beautiful. Got our Shetland sheepdog from you in 2007 and absolutely adored him. Was a bright, playful and very loving pooch. Looking forward to getting a puppy soon.
Date : 26-May-19

  Name : Ninja Paunonen
Web Site :
Country : Finland
How you found us : Google
Comments : Hello ! I just started looking if I could find my dogs father and it didnt take long. C.I.B limbunaya orion is the father of my sheltie boy 😊
Date : 14-Jul-16

  Name : Elizabeth Roguski
Web Site :
Country : New Zealand
How you found us :
Comments : Hi, I have just found your website while looking up my baby's pedigree. Pippi (my 17 week old puppy) is your Charmhill by Chaser's granddaughter. She is so wonderful and brings us lots of joy every day.
Date : 10-Jan-15

  Name : Maria Mercuri
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : internet
Comments : Hi Kay, We recently bought a puppy from you, Jessie she is now 14 weeks old. We are having so much fun with her. Jessie has become part of the family and we thank-you for giving us the experience of having a Sheltie. I am reliving my childhood and am so gratefull to you.
Date : 8-Nov-12

  Name : mary
Web Site :
Country : australia
How you found us : from another sheltie site
Comments : great site. One day I will need to adopt another puppy ro train as an accredited assistant dog like my ten year old Jellybean is. I woukd hope it is a sheltie. As I once had one I loved very much. I think a sheltie would be a very good pet for that.
Date : 10-Jun-12

  Name : Rosalie Peloza
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : www search
Comments : Hello Kay, Today l had lunch in Brighton with a very good friend of mine. There was a beautiful, actually the most stunning dog l had ever seen sitting next to us with its owner. I asked the lady what kind of dog she had and she said her little boy was a Shetland Sheepdog. Like l said, he was the most beautiful little dog l had ever see (and obedient). I have 2 gorgeous Birman cats and was going to add a 3rd to my happy household but have decided i would love to one day welcome a Shetland Sheepdog into my family. Kay, our paths will cross some day but until then, all the success with your breeding programme.
Date : 26-Apr-12

  Name : Kim Navickas
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Kay, I met you last year when you let me adopt little Hamish (renamed Kody). He is one year old today and going really well. He's a gentle soul, he smiles and is always cheerful, loves water and absolutely knows how to turn on the charm for a cuddle from the residents at the local retirement village! He is a wonderful friend, always by my side. All the best, Kim and Kody.
Date : 6-Oct-10

  Name : Jozzett Helle
Web Site :
Country : AU
How you found us : web search
Comments : Hi Kay, I met you years ago when I adopted your pup "Life of Brian" and we renamed him "Beau", He is doing well and has been such a beautiful dog/boy in our home. We just love him so much and we were so happy to have found him. Just so glad I found your kennel here. Cheers, Jozzett, George, "Uncle Beau" & Sam
Date : 3-Jul-10

  Name : Petrina
Web Site :
Country :
How you found us :
Comments : Lovely new site Kay, love all the pic's and information, your new young Man, Latest Crusade, looks very nice, all the best with him.
Date : 2-May-10

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Contact Details

Kay Sullivan
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Phone : 03 97401524
Email : [email protected]