Charmhill Coconut at Limbunya



Sire . Sup Ch Hartly How About That .

Dam . Hillswick Purfect Prudence 




 20 months 




10 weeks 


Coco has been obtained for her proven bloodlines behind her .

She has an outgoing nature , has the breed type I admire and  aim for in my future breeding programme  . Coco has coated after having her first litter and is actively being shown at present  with several Class In Group and BIG  . Coco is close to her Title . 


Coco is the Dam of Limbunya Letitia . 

DNA results 

DNA : Collie Eye Anomaly / Choroidal Hypoplasia (Carrier  ) 

DNA : Ivermectin Sensitivity - Multi Drug Resistance ( Carrier 1 Gene  )

DNA: Von Willerbrands Disease Type 3 ( Genetically Clear ) 

DNA : Progessive Retinal Atrophy ss type ( Genetically Clear ) 

DNA :Degenerative Myelopathy (Genetically Clear ) 

DNA. GBM -Gall Bladder Mucocele ( Genetically Clear )

DMS. Juvernile Dermatomyositis  Aa Bb 


Hip Score 3/3

Elbows 0/0




Genetically Clear PRA 

Pedigree for Charmhill Coconut at Limbunya
Sire : Ch Hartly How About That . Genetically  Clear , CEA, MDR1, DM, VW3. S: Gr Ch Hartly How About Me. Genetically  Clear MDR1, DM ,VW3. CEA Carrier S: Gr Ch Louanda What About Me . Genetically Clear CEA
D: Lyndream Words That Impress Cea Carrier, Genentically Clear , DM , MDR1 and VW3 
D: Ch Hartly Constant Comment . Genetically  Clear MDR1 ,DM ,VW3. CEA unaffected S: Sup Ch Lyndream Strickly Speaking
D: Hartly Causing Attention

Dam : Hillswick Perfect Prudence . Carrier CEA & MDRI , Genetically Clear DM ,VW3

S: Hillswick Fire Blaze. CEA Carrier . MDR1 affected  S: Hillswick Cesare Borgia
D: Hillswick Sweet Enchantment
D: Hillswick Diamond Diva . Carrier CEA, Genetically Clear MDR1, DM,VW3 S: Ch Hillswick Ace Of Diamonds
D: Hillswick Orions Delight . Genetically  Clear CEA

Contact Details

Kay Sullivan
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Phone : 03 97401524
Email : [email protected]